Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Christmas

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thank you for thinking of us this Christmas. We had a wonderful day!

The Wilson Christmas Tree's (Yes...we had 2) I love my Christmas Trees!!

Family Christmas Pictures!

You should see his had little reindeer and fur trees on it.

Us at Papa's and Mama's house for Christmas Eve

Here we are at our house in front of our sitting room tree

And now what we have all been waiting for: Max's Loot!
He made out like a little bandit.
It took him over 3 hours to open his presents.

He insisted daddy open each box and set up his gifts. He played with each one for 30 minutes before we could convince him to open another one.

Opening Stockings! He got puzzles, cards, and cars!

Max got a Farm from Grandad and Nonna (he loves the little animals)

Here is Max's fantastic swimming pool in the shape of an english mini (it even has the UK flag on the roof)
Thanks Sammy Brian and Gemma!

Here is Max's Tool bench from Santa.
Favorite tool: the hammer

His vacuum! Loves to help around the house!
It actually sucks up stuff too!

Max's first bike! He calls it his motorcycle :)
Thank you Papa and Nonna

Max also got:
Big boy bedroom stuff (Grandad and Nonna)
gift card for more shopping at Toys r us (Thank you Matt)- We are going to get him a basketball hoop
Stuff animals
Trucks and Trains
Paints and art supplies (We are going to get a canvas for his paints) I want an original Max painting for his room
Thank you to everyone! He loves all of his toys!
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Do you know the colors of the Rainbow?

Max has really taken to coloring and art.

Here he is drawing away very intensly. Our little artist Maximus...

Max... Has to sort his colors out before continuing with his master peice...

The following pictures of Max's artwork is copy right the Wilson company

Something New: Max knows his colors... Red, Orange, Green Blue, Yellow, Purple, Brown and Black


Frosty the SNOWMAN....

We had our first big snow fall and had to make our first snowman.
Daddy built Mr.Snow Max while mommy and Max watched from a direr place.

Max was not too fond of the snow! But he sure did love his snowman afterwards!

Saturday, December 8, 2007



Max turned two November 30th! He had a blast at his party the following day.
We thank everyone for coming and braving the wonderful winter storm we were having!
Mommy and daddy bought Max his very own kitchen. Let me just say that this is the best gift ever! It's been two weeks and he is still head over heals in love with his kitchen. He makes us soup and hamburgers.


Max's birthday theme was Snowmans! A winter wonderland of icing and snow.


Blowing out the candles!

More of Max's Birthday party!
He had his cousins over: Keira, Kyli, Abbey and Riley. his friends: Aoife and Hugo.

And it wouldnt be a party without a little dancing!

see you next year!

Thursday, December 6, 2007