Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Swing Set

Max got his very own play ground. Now we just need some bark. (coming next week) Our local park does not have a swingset and that is Max's favorite thing. He could swing for hours if you let him.
Such a spoiled boy, but we love him anyway :) LOL!

It's Summer Time and the Liv'in is Easy!

Happy Fathers Day! We had a BBQ to celebrate our dads..well it turned out to be a great day to splash around!

These two crack me up! They love being together.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Once upon a Time..Last September...

Once upon a Time...Last September Max went on a long journey to the land known as England.
He missed his family and wanted to pay a visit...Max flew in an airplane for 11 hours before he reached his destination..London.

When we arrived at Sammys and Brians house Max was ready to party and meet his new cousin Kostik...

What a day..Max was so tired..that night he dreamt of castles and knights...
That was a good thing too because the next day Mommy, Daddy. Max, Gemma and Brian went to see a real castle!

Max loves his cousin Gemma!

Later that week Kostik had his very own party to celebrate his place on the earth...He was named! Max's little cousin is 1.8 years younger. One day they may meet again and play! Max can teach young Kostik lots of things like climbing, running and dancing!

Max took his first train ride to London. He saw so many amazing things like the London bridge, Big Ben and The Eye...
Sammy got us tickets to ride on a double Decker bus to see everything in one day. Daddy really liked it too..this was his first trip to London as well.

Our last trip was to see a Cathedral. Mommy loves churches and all the stained glass. This church is over a 1000 years old! Wow I wonder how many people have gone through its halls...

I love Sammy and Brian! Thank you for letting me stay at your house...I cant wait to come back and see you soon...

Park Day!

The End....
(I finally got around to scrapping these into a small album and wanted to share them with you.)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Designs!

Just wanted to share!
I was notified by my professor today that she really liked my final CD project design and wants to use it for the Art Institutes posted samples.
Some of these are a little distorted when they were converted to jpegs but you get the idea.
Pretty exciting stuff!

LANDesk Outting

We had a our annual company summer party in Park City. Max and I went with a friend from work and her little boy Austin.

For the first time meeting each other they had a blast! Ran around like crazy!

Max loves...LOVES...rides. I think I am going to have a little dare devil!