Sam and Brian came out to visit us and we wanted to do something special. Something none of us had done before.
There is so much to see in why not check out Moab.
The 3 hour drive was ok, Max thought he was a rock star sitting next to Sammy and Brian.

Our Condo was very cool! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to go down for a visit.
It had 2 bedrooms with full baths in each, livingroom, kitchen and a great back yard.

Moab National Park was very pretty. You could easily get lost hiking in there. We decided to take the easy trails because of Max and well me too...
Jared bought Max a hikers backpack to carry him in. Max called it his Kak Kak and jared was his camel!

This was a great trip. We were only there for 2 was a great 2 days! Thanks for coming with us Sam and Brian!