Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby Boy Nursery

We are done with the baby's nursery....would you expect anything less from me :)
This time we wanted to go with something a little more simple and clean.
I chose a nautical theme in navy and white.
The walls are lighthouse blue with an off white base. Jared did a great job on the chair rail.
To keep things clean and simple we bought some black and white sail boat photographs for the walls.
I haven't decided on a mobile yet...I am not sure I will get one or even make one at this point.
We will see.
I cant believe I have 10-12 weeks left..that's so soon! But I am totally ready. I hate this part of pregnancy...the last 3 months are a bitch :) aching back, cant sleep, you feel fat as a house etc....and I am just plain ready to meet my little man. (So is Max and daddy)
Max will be taking a siblings class in a month to learn how to feed, play and just be a great big brother.
Here are some pictures of our little guys room.


Susan said...

You moved everything around. It looks good and Jared did a wonderful job of painting. Is he for hire? Baby Jack will have a wonderful homecomming. Love you all so much. Mama Susan

Sorensen Family said...

I love it! Clean and simple, thats what it is all about with your second! You are getting big, but that is a good thing- it means that the baby is growing and will be here soon! After all of our moving is done I will have to come down and see it and keep you company now that you are bored! :)