Sunday, March 8, 2009


We took Maximus on Saturday to the planetarium. I really wanted to see a movie there but all they really offer is 3D movies and I cant sit through those. My eyes do not focus on the images properly. They had some really good shows too :(
Max the Weather man...Come on Max, tell us when spring will come!!
After the weather forecast he decided to take a trip to least its warmer there :)

Then it was off to the moon....

The museum is not very big so we were done quickly.
Afterwards we decided to go see a movie.
Coraline. Can I tell you Max loved it and was terrified at the same time. He was climbing on me and Jared but refused to leave....the best part was the little old ladies and their act. If you haven't seen it you have to go! It was hilarious and for those prudes out there....boobs are involved!!

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