Saturday, June 6, 2009

Random Things

So...As my maternity leave starts to wind down I find that I have not done nearly all the things I had on my to do list...oh well.
Here are a few random things that have been captured over the last week.

Our little boy is not so little anymore...he is more like a Buddha baby. My guess he is 12 pounds already.
Jack likes to sleep on his tummy. I thought for a little tummy time I would use his boppy.
He thought it was a shoulder and fell asleep in 2 seconds flat...

I love his little plaid "old man" pants!

I found a couple of pictures of our trip to the gardens for Fairy Tale Night.

We had a picnic and now I think it will be our summer family night.

1 comment:

Sorensen Family said...

I cant believe I forgot the last Monday night Thanksgiving Point thing! Typical of me, huh. I really wanted to go, too. Gar. It looks like Max enjoys every minute of them! Ill keep trying to meet up with you guys...