Saturday, August 28, 2010

Journey to Texas!!

Our 3 Day Journey....
Colorado is a pretty state in parts...when you are up in the mountains the scenery is very pretty. Needless to say we didn't need to go through the mountains...Jared took us on the scenic route. A 3 hour out of the way route but pretty none the less.
The streets in one town were all in fractions.
The boys did very well for having to sit still for hours and hours. Plenty of movies to watch and games to play.

On our way out of CO we went through a very steep very frightening mountain pass...I was terrified. The cliffs were thousands of feet with not barriers....yikes!!! For 60 miles we went through this....thought I was going to pass out. Most likely from the altitude. 12000 feet.

And on Day Three....We finally made it to Texas!!

And not a moment to soon....

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